Vote now for the next BSG President
This page contains the voting form to elect the next President of the BSG. Following the nomination period, two candidates have been nominated, and all members of the BSG can now vote to select their preferred candidate. The chosen candidate will serve for 3 years (with an option to extend by an additional 2 years by vote of the Executive Committee). This online election is being conducted following the statutes laid out in the BSG Constitution, and two independent scrutineers will be appointed to count votes and report the election results.
Election rules:
Every BSG member is eligible to vote.
If a member votes multiple times, the last vote submitted will be counted and all others discarded.
The nominee with the most votes will be announced at the AGM.
In the event of a tie a further election will be held.
Voting closes at 12pm on July 31st 2024
Voting has now closed. The result of the election will be announced at the BSG AGM in September.
Each candidate has supplied a one page cover letter and short CV outlining their interest in the role: