The BSG’s draft position, policy, and advice to members on the climate emergency

The BSG has drafted the following policy and position statement in relation to the Climate Emergency.

The BSG recognises that:

  • the climate emergency is one of the greatest threats to the planet and to people
  • continued geomorphological research and application of scientific knowledge is important both to address the climate emergency and for wider scientific purposes (see section 1);
  • that the geomorphological work we do creates GHG emissions (see section 2); and
  • that the society should reduce our emissions in a fair way (see section 3).

The BSG will continue to advance scientific knowledge and application of that knowledge while reducing our GHG emissions in a way that ensures fair and equitable treatment for all members.

The BSG encourages society members to address the climate crisis in their wider professional lives, for instance by reducing GHG emissions of their work where feasible. To be clear, this is entirely voluntary: it is not the BSG’s role to dictate what members do when not on Society business. But given that we are amidst a climate emergency, and considering both the role of the BSG to represent the discipline, and the positions of influence and authority of many members, the EC believes it has a moral duty to encourage voluntary action on climate change.