The BSG recognises that anthropogenic climate change is one of the most significant problems facing the world today.

Our activities should aim wherever reasonable to reduce its carbon footprint. We are a world-leading scientific society with something useful to say about climate change; we have a duty to show leadership.

BSG-funded research is part of the answer, because that work can generate carbon. BSG-funded research should therefore seek to minimise GHG emissions. We know that applying for grants is challenging, so we have made the process as simple as possible.

For all applications for BSG funding, please answer three short questions:

  • What are the main carbon sources that are likely to arise from the research?
  • What options do you have to reduce those carbon emissions?
  • What will you be able to do in reality?

You can use the freely available Carbon Footprint carbon calculator to estimate the emissions associated with your research.

We all face different challenges in our lives and research, so there are varied answers to suit different circumstances. Use the examples below to help you work out what you can do.

Scenario: Field data collection in the UK; researcher is based in the English midlands; their field work is in Scotland.

What are the main carbon sources that are likely to arise from the research?

Transport – me and field samples.

What options do you have to reduce carbon emissions?

Instead of driving from the midlands to Scotland, I could consider taking the train to Scotland then hire a car closer to the field site.

What will you be able to do in reality?

  • Answer 1: I don’t need much field equipment – just a rucksack and notepad. I’ll get the train near to the field site then hire a car for the last leg where there isn’t any public transport.
  • Answer 2: I have some large field equipment that can’t fit on a train. I’ll hire a vehicle but will make sure it’s as low emission as possible.

Scenario: Research to gather field data in Europe, from a UK institution.

What are the main carbon sources that are likely to arise from the research?


What options do you have to reduce carbon emissions?

I could drive, fly or go on public transport (trains / ferries).

What will you be able to do in reality?

  • Answer 1: I don’t have much equipment so I’ll go by train and ferry
  • Answer 2: I don’t have much equipment but need to balance time away (I have a young family) so I’ll fly one way and return by high speed train.
  • Answer 3: I have equipment that can’t be carried by foot so I hire a low emission vehicle to drive there and back.
  • Answer 4: I have equipment that I can’t carry on foot, but I can get it safely there by courier. I’ll travel overland by train and ferry, and get a courier to deliver the kit to my hotel where I then hire a vehicle locally for the field work.
  • Answer 5: I have several large pieces of equipment that I can’t transport on a train, but they can go onto a plane in the hold. I’ll fly both ways with my kit.