Becoming a Chartered Geomorphologist

Applications of geomorphology to a number of aspects of environmental management have increased over the last decade, more geomorphologists have been employed in a professional capacity and the contribution made by geomorphology has become more recognized and established. Whereas Engineering and Earth Sciences have provided professional recognition there has been no recognition available for geomorphologists. Chartered status is now available through CGeog (Geomorph), which is encouraged by the BSG.

Chartered Geographer (CGeog) is the only internationally recognised professional accreditation for those with competence, experience and professionalism in the use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills in the workplace, whether you work in academia, a private-sector consultancy, a public sector agency or a business. It is the same in concept and scope to chartered accreditation in other professions such as Chartered Surveyor, Chartered Engineer, Chartered Environmentalist and Chartered Meteorologist.

A number of geomorphologists active in consulting and professional organisations have been awarded CGeog (Geomorph) status.

Further details can be obtained from

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An Alternative chartership option is through CIWEM, which is a more generalised chartership for Environment and Water Management, follow this link for more information.